Wednesday, August 29, 2012


He called me the girl on the Audrey Hepburn bike
and I smiled and raced across the crunchy grass
I thought I'd win as I sprinted straight past
I felt like a kid, knowing rotten eggs are last
I'm like Ricky Bobby, I wanna go fast
Then the next thing I knew I fell on my ass
I fell hard
I fell harder than I'd ever fallen
I fell from the moon where he flew me
Everytime he'd sing his Sinatra solute
then deny that he could carry a tune
He was the Rat Pack rolled into one
a man who smokes a cigarette and sometimes carries a gun
a man who can dance without even knowing that he can
Fred Astaire with a stare like no other guy
let's fly let's fly let's fly
because he and I are a perfect sort of remake romance
He's a man I'd promise more than one dance
He is a USO dream
He's a modern James Dean
He's a man I'd love to give one last kiss before I leave on a black and white plane
I wish we could swing dance like Tarzan and Jane
Because he drives me cuckoo bananas, pin-up girl insane
They say he carries lady luck
like a little thought in his cigarette case
and I wish I was in her place
just to be a little thought in the back of his mind
I wish I was lucky
I wish he was mine
in my fantasy of fantasies
all I would see
is the girl that he's with getting switched out with me
He'd march up to her pinched pretentious pate
and realize I'm love while she's full of hate
He'd walk up to her knowing exactly who I am
and he'd say "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"
then he'd take a smoke break
and sit down to think
and I'd take a spot right next to him on the yellow painted curb
and ask him if maybe he'd like to dance
and ask him if maybe he'd like to romance
and then he'd kiss me
and I'd ask him "why'd you do that?"
and he'd say "Because frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"

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